IMPACT is a 3 day personal development seminar designed for men. It's about noticing the type of man/leader you currently are, breaking through any barriers that keep you from being the leader you want to be and creating a network with other men that will hold you accountable to the leader you are committed to becoming.
To discover a new sense of self.
Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to lead? What qualities does it take to BE a leader of self and others? Have you ever admired other men and felt I want to be like that? What holds me back to becoming the man and leader I know I can be? Why do I step back from leadership opportunities? What kind of role model do I want to be for my son or daughter? What kind of man do I want to be for my wife or partner?
If these are just some of the questions you might ask yourself from time to time, then keep reading.
Man to man, it all starts with authenticity, honesty and the commitment to dig deep and discover what stops you from being the man you want to be.